Friday, March 14, 2008


Originally uploaded by iamthepeanutbutt
It has been entirely too long, and this is going to be quick.
Lots of things have happend recently including visits from my sister and from Karen and Robyn. Also including an AMAZING trip to south africa and much tourism in Togo (aka as much as there is)
I promise to actually write more soon but click on the link and look at some of my african photos and hopefully ill get pictures from Karen and Robyn that I can post to show you there trip too!


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hello again world! I have returned. Its been quite a while since I have writen anything and a lot has happend. I am currently in Lome to pick up my friends Karen and Robyn who are coming to visit for 10 days with one of Bonnie's friends.I will update again after they leave with pictures and stories of all the fun things that we do.
I have had several fun adventures lately, the most exciting being when Megan (my sister) came and we went to South Africa for christmas and went on a safari and saw tons and tons of animals. Here are a few...
We literally saw everything, lions, elephants, giraffes, buffalo, EVERYTHING. It was incredible. They were directly in front of us and we even got charged by an elephant at one point.